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Self-hosted vs Cloud: Choosing the Right Deployment Strategy

In today’s digital landscape, businesses face a crucial decision when deploying their applications: should they opt for self-hosted solutions or embrace cloud-based services?, as a flexible Fair Source platform that supports both deployment models, understands the importance of this choice. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each approach to help you make an informed decision.

Self-hosted Deployment

Self-hosted deployment involves running applications on your own infrastructure or a Virtual Private Server (VPS) under your control. fully supports and enhances this model.


  • Complete Control: With’s self-hosted option, you have full authority over your hardware, software, and data.
  • Data Sovereignty: Sensitive data remains within your physical possession, which can be crucial for compliance.
  • Customization: Tailor your environment to your exact specifications.
  • Potential Cost Savings: For stable, long-term workloads, owning infrastructure can be more cost-effective. In fact, our case study shows that one client, e-sportstats, achieved an impressive 82% reduction in yearly costs by switching to’s self-hosted solution.
  • High Security: leverages Docker Swarm and virtual machine security to ensure robust protection for your services.


  • Maintenance Overhead: You’re responsible for updates, security patches, and hardware issues, though simplifies many maintenance tasks through its user-friendly interface.
  • Scalability: Expanding capacity often requires significant time and capital investment, but provides tools to streamline this process.
  • Initial Complexity: Setting up and configuring servers can be technically demanding, but offers guides and support to ease this process.

Cloud Deployment

While specializes in self-hosted solutions, it’s important to understand cloud deployment for comparison. Cloud deployment leverages third-party infrastructure to run your applications.


  • Scalability: Easily adjust resources to match demand.
  • Managed Services: Benefit from provider-maintained infrastructure and services.
  • Reduced Initial Overhead: Less need for in-house IT expertise for infrastructure management.
  • Global Reach: Quickly deploy to multiple geographic regions.


  • Potential Vendor Lock-in: Many cloud providers make it difficult to migrate away from their services.
  • Less Control: You’re dependent on the provider’s infrastructure and policies.
  • Long-term Costs: For large-scale, stable workloads, cloud costs can accumulate significantly over time. The Best of Both Worlds offers a unique approach that combines the benefits of self-hosting with the ease of use typically associated with cloud services:

  • Full Control with Easy Management: provides a web-based UI for configuring services, access points, and periodic tasks, giving you full control without the complexity.
  • High Security: Utilize Docker Swarm for service isolation and enhanced system reliability.
  • Easy Scalability: Deploy services in any environment, with any provider of virtual or physical machines.
  • Open Source Benefits: Quick resolution of critical vulnerabilities thanks to the open-source nature of
  • No Vendor Lock-in: All configurations are stored on your Docker Swarm cluster, allowing you to maintain control of your infrastructure.
  • Simplified Docker Swarm Usage: Manage your Docker Swarm cluster through a user-friendly interface.
  • Effortless Monitoring: Keep track of your server resources to ensure optimal performance.
  • Automated Backups: Ensure the safety and recoverability of your critical data.

Factors to Consider

When choosing between self-hosted and cloud deployments, consider:

  1. Cost Efficiency: As demonstrated by our e-sportstats case study, self-hosting with can lead to significant cost savings.
  2. Control and Security: offers full control over your infrastructure while providing robust security measures.
  3. Scalability: allows for easy scalability in any environment.
  4. Technical Expertise: While self-hosting traditionally requires more skills, simplifies management through its user-friendly interface.
  5. Compliance Requirements: For industries with strict data locality rules,’s self-hosted solution provides the necessary control.


The choice between self-hosted and cloud deployment isn’t always straightforward, but offers a compelling solution that combines the benefits of self-hosting with the ease of use typically associated with cloud services.

By choosing, you gain:

  • The ability to deploy services in any environment with any provider
  • Enhanced security through Docker Swarm and virtual machine security
  • Open source benefits for quick vulnerability resolution
  • Freedom from vendor lock-in
  • Simplified management of your Docker Swarm cluster
  • Potential for significant cost savings, as demonstrated by our case studies

Whether you’re looking to reduce costs, increase control over your infrastructure, or simply find a more flexible deployment solution, provides the tools and support you need to succeed. With, you can focus on your core business while ensuring the reliability, security, and cost-effectiveness of your services.

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No credit card required. Discover why businesses choose for their self-hosted application needs. Learn about our self-hosted option.