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Docker Registries

Docker registries are repositories for storing and distributing Docker images. supports both public and private registries, giving you flexibility in managing your container images.

Types of Registries

Public Registries

Public registries, such as Docker Hub, are freely accessible and don’t require authentication for pulling images. They’re ideal for open-source projects and publicly available images.

Private Registries

Private registries require authentication and are used for storing proprietary or sensitive images. They offer better control over who can access your images.

Using Registries with allows users to pre-configure private Docker registries for use across their services. This approach simplifies the process of working with private registries and enhances security by centralizing credential management.

Pre-configuring Private Registries

  1. Navigate to the Docker Registries settings in your dashboard.
  2. Add your private registries, providing necessary details such as:
    • Registry URL
    • Authentication credentials
    • A friendly name for easy identification

Using Public Registries

For public registries, no pre-configuration is needed. When using a public registry image, simply specify the full form of the Docker image name in your process configuration, for example:

Selecting a Registry for a Process

When defining a process in

  1. In the process configuration form, you’ll find a dropdown to select from your pre-configured registries.
  2. Choose the appropriate registry for your image.
  3. Specify the image name and tag.

This method ensures that you don’t need to input registry credentials each time you configure a process, streamlining your workflow and reducing the risk of credential exposure.

Best Practices

  • Use private registries for sensitive or proprietary images
  • Regularly update your images to include security patches
  • Use specific image tags rather than ‘latest’ to ensure consistency

For more information on how to specify Docker images in your services, see the Services page.